"Yellow in August - Meinong" - a series begun on my Fulbright Fellowship in Meinong, Taiwan, part of Kaohsiung county, where my mother is from and I have visited my entire life. This rural region and its lifestyle face intense transformation due to Taiwan's rapid modernization. These photographs serve as a means for reflection and preservation.

Early morning, Meinong

Small temple at river's edge

At the Taoist woodcarver's

Harvesting water vegetables

Looking towards the mountains

Bitter melons at a writer's house

Flagellates at an unfinished temple

Ancestral money

A temple drawn in sand

Tourists in a field of flowers

Two men at the seashore

Early morning fishing

Four butterflies

A farmer's dinner

New townhouse at the edge of a rice field

Demolished home

Temple at Madou

At the writer's home

The Mahjong game

Meinong at sunset